There are 200+ places of worship – all the main religions have places of worship in our city.

Practicing your faith is possible here in Bradford. Finding people who share your beliefs can have a very positive effect on your wellbeing, helping you connect with others and building a support network.

People in faith groups and places of worship can be very welcoming to sanctuary seekers, with information, activities, opportunities and friendship. Find the right place for you.

Use Google Maps to search eg: mosques near me, churches near BD3.

Want to add a listing?

If you would like your organisation of activity to be listed on this website please email [email protected] with the name, category and opening hours for your listing.

Service listings are checked regularly by volunteers. If you see any mistakes, please tell us by clicking on “update this listing,” the green box at the end of each entry on the map page. If you are aware of a service that does not appear on please tell us by emailing [email protected]